“Recommendations from the World of Marketing for Notre Dame’s Office of Sustainability”

Annabelle Lake '23
Major: Marketing
Minor: CST

Recommendations from the World of Marketing for Notre Dame’s Office of Sustainability
For my CST capstone project, I explored a topic that is deeply important to me — sustainability — through my academic lenses of marketing and Catholic Social Tradition. I aimed to create a project whose scope would have an actual impact on a local level, resulting in my research of the Office of Sustainability and its marketing efforts on campus. I compiled a report detailing the current situation of the Office and its operations on campus, how those efforts are perceived by students (assessed by a survey I created and disseminated to Notre Dame students), and relevant marketing research in the area of social change marketing; I concluded by offering recommendations to the Office about how its marketing efforts can be improved given all of the information I assembled.


Lake CST Capstone Report

2023 Annabelle Lake Img 5498