"Bear One Another's Burdens"

A Call for Enhanced Mental Health Dialogue and Services at the University of Notre Dame

Christina Mondi '14

Psychology Major, CST and Science, Technology, and Values Minors

Advisor: Professor Bill Purcell

Christina Mondi

"My project explores the state of mental health awareness and resources at Notre Dame, and proposes future initiatives for continued growth in these areas. Mental health concerns are common on college campuses, and Notre Dame is no exception. However, I argue that Notre Dame should make greater efforts in this area not simply to meet growing need, but because doing so aligns with the tenets of the Catholic social tradition and the University's mission to foster growth in "mind, body, and spirit". CST affirms a preferential option for the poor and vulnerable, as well as the responsibility of all to promote human dignity and well-being. Just so, it is critical that the University continue to direct its energies toward improving the quality of life for all individuals under the Dome who are affected by mental health concerns. I propose tangible efforts in the areas of student education, faculty education and training, expansion of services and resources, and advocacy/awareness which might serve as steps in this direction."