Social Issues Colloquium III: Response to Marginal Communities


Location: McKenna Hall Rooms 100-104

Response to Marginal Communities


Matthew J. Bagot, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Theology
Spring Hill College
A Bruised, Hurting, and Dirty Church Out on the Streets: the Symmetry of Evangelii Gaudium and Gaudium et Spes

Sister Larraine Lauter OSU, M.T.S. (Ursuline Sisters of Mount Saint Joseph)
St. Meinrad School of Theology
Executive Director of Water With Blessings
Gaudium et Spes et Holy Charity: Wells of Joyful Hope in Marginal Communities

Joseph Weber
Catholic Relief Services
Head of Office, Bamiyan, Afghanistan
Joy and Hope in Afghanistan’s Central Highlands
How the Church’s Social Tradition Informs and Can Be Informed By the Experience of Working with Families in a Remote Corner of the World